What is Load Testing? How to create a Load Test in k6

Even if your site or application doesn’t have scheduled high traffic events like a ticket onsale or major sale, load tests are crucial to ensuring you’re prepared for the unexpected. 57% of organizations run performance and/or load tests at every sprint, and 95% commit to testing annually. And load testing—and performance testing generally—is essential for ensuring reliability (as well as functionality at scale).

what is load testing

The following figure shows an example of a performance testing report on BlazeMeter. This is a good test, given the growing number of users does not affect the response time, the error rate remains low, and the hits per second are in line with the number of virtual users. But which performance testing types should you conduct, what’s the difference between load testing and stress testing, and which test is suitable for which situation? Typical parameters include processing speed, data transfer rates, network bandwidth and throughput, workload efficiency and reliability. The sole motive to perform load testing is to check how much a load a system can handle.

Step1: Test environment setup

Load and performance testing is usually conducted in a test environment identical to the production environment before the software system is permitted to go live. That is why you must highlight load testing in your software development process. But in addition to load testing, there are a lot of subsets in performance testing that you must know. For overall software performance management, look to application performance management software like Stackify Retrace. Load testing is the process of checking the behavior of the system under test under the anticipated load.

Initially, they thought this meant the system was dynamically adjusting itself to the increased load. However, on closer inspection, they realized that what was really happening was that as load increased, the site would slow down, which would slow down these virtual user journeys. Due to the importance of finding the bugs and defects the stress testing is helping to discover, it is important to perform this test and ensure there are no what is load testing security and user data leaks issues. The software testing world is based on numerous types of tests that each and every one of them has a different purpose and is executed in different stages. Since there are a large number of tests, sometimes confusion comes up between various tests and it’s hard to put a finger on the differences between them. Two test types that cause common confusion between them are Load Testing and Stress Testing.

Load Testing vs. Stress Testing

However, manual load testing will likely not return as valuable data as automated load testing that can gather and aggregate all the metrics for the system. Additionally, when you consider the cost and time of the individuals needed to carry out manual testing, the opportunity cost may be far greater than simly using a cloud-based load testing solution like LoadView. Load testing is important because it identifies points of failure in your system and can also show you how your site degrades as more simultaneous users are added. If you know what your peak traffic should be, load testing gives you greater insight into how your web app or site will perform once that level of traffic is reached.

  • Performance testing and performance engineering are related concepts but they mean different things.
  • When or how often to performance test depends on what kind of testing you are doing.
  • In this process, the system is exposed to a simulated load that closely mimics the real-world usage conditions.
  • It gives insight into performance issues and bottlenecks in a test environment, so your users don’t have to suffer through them in real life.
  • If the test fails, the team analyzes the related user journeys for the root cause and fixes the exact issue.
  • When running a performance test, throughput refers to the amount of data transferred between the front end of the app and the back end over time.

The definition of load testing a website is generating a specified amount of load on a website. Typically, tests are performed in a fashion that imitates real users visiting the website. More advanced tests may perform a series of steps on the website, such as clicking on key elements, buttons and fields and navigating through the site. And if a website https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ or an application crashes in such an event, users may leave the website and go to a competitor's application, leading to loss of revenue and market share. Those scenarios may occur because we do not perform the load testing on the system. The load testing is mainly used to test the Client/Server's performance and applications that are web-based.

Why is load testing important?

Since “load test” might refer to all types of tests that simulate traffic, this guide uses the name average-load test to avoid confusion. In some testing conversation, this test also might be called a day-in-life test or volume test. Once you’ve setup test scenarios, you execute them using different conditions to simulate real-life conditions, based on your goals. For example, run scenarios using different number of users, from different location or using different browsers.

what is load testing

These could be common scripts, pre-built models, or snippets of code that help your teams easily assemble load tests. If this is your first time running load tests, we recommend starting small or configuring the ramp-up to be slow. Your application and infrastructure might not be as rock solid as you think. We've had thousands of users run load tests that quickly crash their applications (or staging environments). An important part of running load tests is building a solid test environment that accurately replicates the real production environment.

Load Test vs. Stress Test

So, instead of utilizing a tool, we can now physically load the application with five physical users from various workstations to test the application load for five users. In this case, it is preferable to perform a manual load test rather than purchasing a product and configuring an environment for it. Assume we want to test an online shopping application to evaluate how quickly it responds to each user click, i.e.

There are never scenarios of load testing too soon.Not to worry, though, it is never too late to start load testing, and Flood’s cloud-based testing platform makes it easy to start. Load testing is critical for ensuring the performance and reliability of production software systems. It helps identify bottlenecks and weaknesses impacting the expected performance of the system. Many load-testing tools, such as Apache JMeter, BlazeMeter, Locust, LoadNinja, and Gatling, have been introduced to automate and streamline the load-testing process.

Visual Regression Cloud

For example, the piece of software under test is designed to serve X users (because it is an internal product of an enterprise and there are no more employees), so it does not make sense to conduct testing under a higher load. Therefore, it is sufficient to check if the performance is good enough and matches non-functional requirements or service level agreements. This load testing tool is not free, but allows for the simple creation of cloud-based servers and point-and-click setups for load testing.

Often, load testing is performed right before the release of a new product, a new campaign, a major event, or a system update. Since the goal of load testing is ensuring the website infrastructure can handle an expected number of users, this may not give you enough time for responding to load testing results. Sometimes, load testing can also be performed by the developers or development team, making sure the app will scale up under heavy demand. However, it is possible the development team simply does not have access, or the resources, for spinning up enough machines for proper testing.

What do you use load testing for?

When we make lots of changes to an experiment, it becomes more difficult to identify what exactly we’re testing. As a result, load testing is a superior way to investigate, analyse, and fix errors before they occur in real-time. If you’re facing internal or external challenges to handling high traffic events, there is another solution. It’s fast and easy to implement, doesn’t require significant optimization efforts, delivers a fair and reliable customer experience, and protects your site or app under any level of load.

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